Outcomes of Research or Clinical Trials Activity Levels Acute Flaccid Paralysis Ageing Anaerobic Threshold Anaesthesia Assistive Technology Brain Cardiorespiratory Cardiovascular Clinical Evaluation Cold Intolerance Complementary Therapies Continence Coping Styles and Strategies Cultural Context Diagnosis and Management Differential Diagnosis Drugs Dysphagia Dysphonia Epidemiology Exercise Falls Fatigue Fractures Gender Differences Immune Response Inflammation Late Effects of Polio Muscle Strength Muscular Atrophy Orthoses Pain Polio Immunisation Post-Polio Motor Unit Psychology Quality of Life Renal Complications Respiratory Complications and Management Restless Legs Syndrome Sleep Analaysis Surgery Vitality Vocational Implications

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Category: Dysphagia, Dysphonia, Late Effects of Polio

Title: Pharyngolaryngeal manifestations of post-polio syndrome (Manifestações faringo-laríngeas da síndrome pós-poliomielite)
Author: Noemi Grigoletto De Biase (1), Bruno Teixeira de Moraes (2), Mariana Dantas Aumond Leb (3), Gustavo Polacow Korn (4), Marina Padovani (5), Miriam Moraes (6), Glaucya Madazio (7).
Affiliation: Departament of Laryngology and Voice of the Discipline of Otorhinolaryngology of Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESP-EPM). São Paulo / SP - Brazil

1) Prof. Doc. Associate of Departament of Fundamentals of Phonoaudiology of Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Advisor of Masters Degree of UNIFESP-EPM.

2) Fellow in Larynx and Voice by the Departament of Otorhinolaryngology and Surgery of Head and Kneck by Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESP-EPM). Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

3) Master in Medicine by UNIFESP-EPM. Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

4) PhD in Science by the Departament of Otorhinolaryngology and Surgery of Head and Kneck by Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESPEPM). Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

5) PhD in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP. Clinical Audiologist.

6) Master in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP - Clinical Audiologist.

7) PhD in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP. Clinical Audiologist.
Citation: Intl. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol., São Paulo - Brasil, v.15, n.4, p. 529-533, Oct/Nov/December - 2011.
Publication Year and Month: 2010 04

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The post-polio syndrome (PPS) is characterized by a new episod of atrophy or muscle weakness in individuals previously affected by poliomyelitis. The symptoms start from an extended period of clinical stability ranging from 20 to 40 years, after the initial chart of polio. Among the pathophysiological mechanisms, the most likely is that the syndrome represents a process of attrition and neuronal metabolic exhaustion due to a continuous process of denervation reinnervation which begins after the initial acute.

OBJECTIVE: Review the clinical characteristics and pathophysiological of PPS,as well as present the approach in cases with pharyngolaryngeal manifestations.

CASE REPORT: We present the clinical case of a male patient with 48 years old, with main complaints of dysphonia, dysphagia and previous history of polio. The patient underwent a diagnostic investigation, in which the voice psychoacoustic findings are described. Laringoscopic, electromyographic and the videoendoscopy of swallowing compatible with PPS. The treatment consisted in phonotherapy in a total of 11 weekly sessions and guidelines for swallowing, with satisfactory improvement of the symptoms.

FINAL COMMENTS: The pharyngolaryngeal manifestations of PPS are susceptible to treatment, obtaining satisfactory results, with improvement of life quality of the patients.

KEYWORDS: poliomyelitis, post-polio syndrome, neuromuscular diseases, larynx diseases, voice disorders.

Conclusions: The diagnosis of PPS depends of the high rate of suspicion and a good anamnesis, in which the patient reports previous history of poliomyelitis. As in the most of the cases these patients present other commemorative resulting of the syndrome, voice alterations become less evident before the whole picture. Active searches in services of references in treatment of PPS can show that the frequency of dysphonia and dysphagia maybe is bigger than the ones described in the literature. Considering that the laryngeal-pharyngeal manifestations of PPS are suitable for treatment with improvement of life quality of the patients, is evident the importance of the diagnosis.

Outcome of Research: Not applicable

Availability of Paper: The full text of this paper has been generously made available by the publisher.

Comments (if any):

Link to Paper (if available): Click here to view full text or to download

There are currently 1 papers in this category.

Category: Dysphagia, Dysphonia, Late Effects of Polio

Title: Pharyngolaryngeal manifestations of post-polio syndrome (Manifestações faringo-laríngeas da síndrome pós-poliomielite)
Author: Noemi Grigoletto De Biase (1), Bruno Teixeira de Moraes (2), Mariana Dantas Aumond Leb (3), Gustavo Polacow Korn (4), Marina Padovani (5), Miriam Moraes (6), Glaucya Madazio (7).
Affiliation: Departament of Laryngology and Voice of the Discipline of Otorhinolaryngology of Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESP-EPM). São Paulo / SP - Brazil

1) Prof. Doc. Associate of Departament of Fundamentals of Phonoaudiology of Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Advisor of Masters Degree of UNIFESP-EPM.

2) Fellow in Larynx and Voice by the Departament of Otorhinolaryngology and Surgery of Head and Kneck by Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESP-EPM). Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

3) Master in Medicine by UNIFESP-EPM. Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

4) PhD in Science by the Departament of Otorhinolaryngology and Surgery of Head and Kneck by Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESPEPM). Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

5) PhD in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP. Clinical Audiologist.

6) Master in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP - Clinical Audiologist.

7) PhD in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP. Clinical Audiologist.
Citation: Intl. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol., São Paulo - Brasil, v.15, n.4, p. 529-533, Oct/Nov/December - 2011.
Publication Year and Month: 2010 04

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The post-polio syndrome (PPS) is characterized by a new episod of atrophy or muscle weakness in individuals previously affected by poliomyelitis. The symptoms start from an extended period of clinical stability ranging from 20 to 40 years, after the initial chart of polio. Among the pathophysiological mechanisms, the most likely is that the syndrome represents a process of attrition and neuronal metabolic exhaustion due to a continuous process of denervation reinnervation which begins after the initial acute.

OBJECTIVE: Review the clinical characteristics and pathophysiological of PPS,as well as present the approach in cases with pharyngolaryngeal manifestations.

CASE REPORT: We present the clinical case of a male patient with 48 years old, with main complaints of dysphonia, dysphagia and previous history of polio. The patient underwent a diagnostic investigation, in which the voice psychoacoustic findings are described. Laringoscopic, electromyographic and the videoendoscopy of swallowing compatible with PPS. The treatment consisted in phonotherapy in a total of 11 weekly sessions and guidelines for swallowing, with satisfactory improvement of the symptoms.

FINAL COMMENTS: The pharyngolaryngeal manifestations of PPS are susceptible to treatment, obtaining satisfactory results, with improvement of life quality of the patients.

KEYWORDS: poliomyelitis, post-polio syndrome, neuromuscular diseases, larynx diseases, voice disorders.

Conclusions: The diagnosis of PPS depends of the high rate of suspicion and a good anamnesis, in which the patient reports previous history of poliomyelitis. As in the most of the cases these patients present other commemorative resulting of the syndrome, voice alterations become less evident before the whole picture. Active searches in services of references in treatment of PPS can show that the frequency of dysphonia and dysphagia maybe is bigger than the ones described in the literature. Considering that the laryngeal-pharyngeal manifestations of PPS are suitable for treatment with improvement of life quality of the patients, is evident the importance of the diagnosis.

Outcome of Research: Not applicable

Availability of Paper: The full text of this paper has been generously made available by the publisher.

Comments (if any):

Link to Paper (if available): Click here to view full text or to download

There are currently 1 papers in this category.

Category: Dysphagia, Dysphonia, Late Effects of Polio

Title: Pharyngolaryngeal manifestations of post-polio syndrome (Manifestações faringo-laríngeas da síndrome pós-poliomielite)
Author: Noemi Grigoletto De Biase (1), Bruno Teixeira de Moraes (2), Mariana Dantas Aumond Leb (3), Gustavo Polacow Korn (4), Marina Padovani (5), Miriam Moraes (6), Glaucya Madazio (7).
Affiliation: Departament of Laryngology and Voice of the Discipline of Otorhinolaryngology of Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESP-EPM). São Paulo / SP - Brazil

1) Prof. Doc. Associate of Departament of Fundamentals of Phonoaudiology of Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Advisor of Masters Degree of UNIFESP-EPM.

2) Fellow in Larynx and Voice by the Departament of Otorhinolaryngology and Surgery of Head and Kneck by Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESP-EPM). Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

3) Master in Medicine by UNIFESP-EPM. Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

4) PhD in Science by the Departament of Otorhinolaryngology and Surgery of Head and Kneck by Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESPEPM). Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

5) PhD in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP. Clinical Audiologist.

6) Master in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP - Clinical Audiologist.

7) PhD in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP. Clinical Audiologist.
Citation: Intl. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol., São Paulo - Brasil, v.15, n.4, p. 529-533, Oct/Nov/December - 2011.
Publication Year and Month: 2010 04

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The post-polio syndrome (PPS) is characterized by a new episod of atrophy or muscle weakness in individuals previously affected by poliomyelitis. The symptoms start from an extended period of clinical stability ranging from 20 to 40 years, after the initial chart of polio. Among the pathophysiological mechanisms, the most likely is that the syndrome represents a process of attrition and neuronal metabolic exhaustion due to a continuous process of denervation reinnervation which begins after the initial acute.

OBJECTIVE: Review the clinical characteristics and pathophysiological of PPS,as well as present the approach in cases with pharyngolaryngeal manifestations.

CASE REPORT: We present the clinical case of a male patient with 48 years old, with main complaints of dysphonia, dysphagia and previous history of polio. The patient underwent a diagnostic investigation, in which the voice psychoacoustic findings are described. Laringoscopic, electromyographic and the videoendoscopy of swallowing compatible with PPS. The treatment consisted in phonotherapy in a total of 11 weekly sessions and guidelines for swallowing, with satisfactory improvement of the symptoms.

FINAL COMMENTS: The pharyngolaryngeal manifestations of PPS are susceptible to treatment, obtaining satisfactory results, with improvement of life quality of the patients.

KEYWORDS: poliomyelitis, post-polio syndrome, neuromuscular diseases, larynx diseases, voice disorders.

Conclusions: The diagnosis of PPS depends of the high rate of suspicion and a good anamnesis, in which the patient reports previous history of poliomyelitis. As in the most of the cases these patients present other commemorative resulting of the syndrome, voice alterations become less evident before the whole picture. Active searches in services of references in treatment of PPS can show that the frequency of dysphonia and dysphagia maybe is bigger than the ones described in the literature. Considering that the laryngeal-pharyngeal manifestations of PPS are suitable for treatment with improvement of life quality of the patients, is evident the importance of the diagnosis.

Outcome of Research: Not applicable

Availability of Paper: The full text of this paper has been generously made available by the publisher.

Comments (if any):

Link to Paper (if available): Click here to view full text or to download

There are currently 1 papers in this category.

Category: Dysphagia, Dysphonia, Late Effects of Polio

Title: Pharyngolaryngeal manifestations of post-polio syndrome (Manifestações faringo-laríngeas da síndrome pós-poliomielite)
Author: Noemi Grigoletto De Biase (1), Bruno Teixeira de Moraes (2), Mariana Dantas Aumond Leb (3), Gustavo Polacow Korn (4), Marina Padovani (5), Miriam Moraes (6), Glaucya Madazio (7).
Affiliation: Departament of Laryngology and Voice of the Discipline of Otorhinolaryngology of Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESP-EPM). São Paulo / SP - Brazil

1) Prof. Doc. Associate of Departament of Fundamentals of Phonoaudiology of Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Advisor of Masters Degree of UNIFESP-EPM.

2) Fellow in Larynx and Voice by the Departament of Otorhinolaryngology and Surgery of Head and Kneck by Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESP-EPM). Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

3) Master in Medicine by UNIFESP-EPM. Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

4) PhD in Science by the Departament of Otorhinolaryngology and Surgery of Head and Kneck by Federal University of São Paulo - Medical School Paulista (UNIFESPEPM). Doctor Otorhinolaryngologist.

5) PhD in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP. Clinical Audiologist.

6) Master in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP - Clinical Audiologist.

7) PhD in Science of Human Communication by UNIFESP. Clinical Audiologist.
Citation: Intl. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol., São Paulo - Brasil, v.15, n.4, p. 529-533, Oct/Nov/December - 2011.
Publication Year and Month: 2010 04

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The post-polio syndrome (PPS) is characterized by a new episod of atrophy or muscle weakness in individuals previously affected by poliomyelitis. The symptoms start from an extended period of clinical stability ranging from 20 to 40 years, after the initial chart of polio. Among the pathophysiological mechanisms, the most likely is that the syndrome represents a process of attrition and neuronal metabolic exhaustion due to a continuous process of denervation reinnervation which begins after the initial acute.

OBJECTIVE: Review the clinical characteristics and pathophysiological of PPS,as well as present the approach in cases with pharyngolaryngeal manifestations.

CASE REPORT: We present the clinical case of a male patient with 48 years old, with main complaints of dysphonia, dysphagia and previous history of polio. The patient underwent a diagnostic investigation, in which the voice psychoacoustic findings are described. Laringoscopic, electromyographic and the videoendoscopy of swallowing compatible with PPS. The treatment consisted in phonotherapy in a total of 11 weekly sessions and guidelines for swallowing, with satisfactory improvement of the symptoms.

FINAL COMMENTS: The pharyngolaryngeal manifestations of PPS are susceptible to treatment, obtaining satisfactory results, with improvement of life quality of the patients.

KEYWORDS: poliomyelitis, post-polio syndrome, neuromuscular diseases, larynx diseases, voice disorders.

Conclusions: The diagnosis of PPS depends of the high rate of suspicion and a good anamnesis, in which the patient reports previous history of poliomyelitis. As in the most of the cases these patients present other commemorative resulting of the syndrome, voice alterations become less evident before the whole picture. Active searches in services of references in treatment of PPS can show that the frequency of dysphonia and dysphagia maybe is bigger than the ones described in the literature. Considering that the laryngeal-pharyngeal manifestations of PPS are suitable for treatment with improvement of life quality of the patients, is evident the importance of the diagnosis.

Outcome of Research: Not applicable

Availability of Paper: The full text of this paper has been generously made available by the publisher.

Comments (if any):

Link to Paper (if available): Click here to view full text or to download

There are currently 1 papers in this category.

Outcomes of Research or Clinical Trials Activity Levels Acute Flaccid Paralysis Ageing Anaerobic Threshold Anaesthesia Assistive Technology Brain Cardiorespiratory Cardiovascular Clinical Evaluation Cold Intolerance Complementary Therapies Continence Coping Styles and Strategies Cultural Context Diagnosis and Management Differential Diagnosis Drugs Dysphagia Dysphonia Epidemiology Exercise Falls Fatigue Fractures Gender Differences Immune Response Inflammation Late Effects of Polio Muscle Strength Muscular Atrophy Orthoses Pain Polio Immunisation Post-Polio Motor Unit Psychology Quality of Life Renal Complications Respiratory Complications and Management Restless Legs Syndrome Sleep Analaysis Surgery Vitality Vocational Implications