Polio Australia develops, implements, monitors, fine-tunes and reports against multi-year strategic plans which guide our work.

2015-2018 2012-2014
Strategic Plan 2015-2018

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Our Vision

All polio survivors in Australia have access to appropriate health care and the support required to maintain independence and make informed life choices.

Our Mission

Polio Australia is committed to standardising quality polio information and service provision across Australia for polio survivors.

Our Values

As the national peak body, Polio Australia represents the needs of the post-polio community and works with passion and professionalism to educate, advocate and achieve recognition for polio survivors.

Our objectives for 2015-2018

Objective One: Education

Promoting enhanced knowledge and management of the Late Effects of Polio across the Health and Community sectors.

Objective Two: Advocacy

Lobbying and advocating for recognition of and appropriate service provision for Australia’s polio survivors.

Objective Three: Capacity Building / Resources

Building resources—financial and human.

Objective Four: Visibility

Creating positive visibility in the community.

Objective Five: Partnership Development

Enhance external and internal relationships for mutually beneficial outcomes.

Strategic Plan 2012-2014

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At its November 2011 Annual General Meeting and Strategic Planning Forum, Polio Australia’s Management Management decided on four priorities to work towards over the following three years.

A key objective was the need to establish a stable income stream to support our staffing and programs.

Polio Australia’s 2013-2014 Annual Report provided a snapshot of our progress against the 2012-2014 Strategic Plan priorities, with a full review taking place at the November 2014 Annual General Meeting.

Despite the constraint of limited human and financial resources, the majority of goals which had been set by Polio Australia were achieved.

A range of funding submissions were made for all project areas but most were unfortunately not successful. In almost all instances, the only reason goals were not achieved was the lack of resources.

At the 2014 Annual General Meeting, it was resolved to continue to seek ways of implementing these vital programs. To this end, the 2015-2018 Strategic Plan was developed.

A key component of the 2015-2018 Strategic Plan is the coordination, promotion, and successful staging of an Australasian-Pacific Post-Polio Conference, Polio: Life Stage Matters, to be held in Sydney in September 2016.