JP, MHumNut, GradCertHumNut, GradCertCouns, ADvDipNutMed, DipCouns
Melinda is a fully qualified nutritionist and counsellor in private practice in Sydney’s Inner West. Her key focus is helping people obtain optimal health and well-being through dietary education, lifestyle coaching and nutritional counselling with minimal supplementation.
Melinda works with clients of all ages on a range of matters including weight loss and weight gain, mental health issues, chronic health issues, and general health improvement all from a nutrition and lifestyle perspective. She has a strong interest in mental health and gut issues.
Following a health issue of her own over a decade ago Melinda recognised the importance of food as medicine and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Melinda completed her nutrition and counselling qualifications after a lengthy career in Human Resources.
Melinda’s HR career, included extensive experience in public speaking and staff training staff. She holds adult education qualifications, is a lecturer in nutritional medicine at the Australasian College of Natural Therapies (Torrens University) and offers corporate nutrition presentations.
For Melinda education is key in building health and minimising reliance on practitioners, and this plays a significant part of all of her consultations in private practice.