Polio Australia is the only national peak body representing Australia’s polio survivors. We are committed to standardising polio information and service provision across Australia so that all polio survivors have access to appropriate health care to best manage their chronic condition.
Polio Australia works with a range of treating health professionals to promote activities that raise awareness of the late effects of polio and/or post-polio syndrome through continuing professional development and patient education.
This website can be accessed by both health professionals and polio survivors to provide a broad range of online information and resources to help identify, diagnose, and manage the late effects of polio and/or post-polio syndrome.
However, many polio survivors still report great difficulty in obtaining correct diagnosis and treatment for polio-related problems. Therefore, both treating health professionals and polio survivors are keen to find practitioners who have some knowledge of and/or experience in working with polio survivors.
If you are interested in being included on Polio Australia’s Health Professionals Register, please add your details below.
For further information, please email [email protected] or phone 03 9016 7678.
* indicates a required field
After submitting the form you should see a message in a box with a green border saying “Your registration was submitted successfully. Thanks.”, and you will be re-directed to a “thank you” page. If you instead receive this message: “One or more fields have an error”, please check your entries (particularly ensure that all required questions (those marked with *) have been answered) then resubmit the form.
If you strike a difficulty in submitting this form that you cannot resolve, please contact us by phone or email, or by completing our contact form, to let us know about the difficulty you experienced.