Profession: Alexander Technique Teacher
Location: Victoria – Dumbalk

About Me Consultation Preferences Contact Details Practice Details Experience & Training Clinical Interests
Qualifications: Diploma in Alexander Technique

Professional Affiliations: Member Australian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (AUSTAT)

Brief Bio:

Alexander Technique is awareness of how we do what we do. It’s a skill which, when learned, enables people to move their bodies with greater ease and in ways that do not aggravate existing problems or cause further injury. Through the process of learning to release tension in the neck, back and limbs, everyday movements such as sitting at a computer, lifting children, driving, reaching, bending, singing, playing instruments etc become achievable where previously they were hard to achieve or caused pain. People of all levels of fitness and health can benefit from the technique. Most people need a series of Alexander Technique lessons with a teacher to start acquiring the skill. It is particularly useful for people with Post Polio Syndrome.

Consults with clients/patients: Yes

Consults both with polio survivors and with other health practitioners: Yes

Consults with other health practitioners but not directly with clients/patients: No

Name: Ms Jane Coker
Position Title:

Workplace Name: Private practice
Workplace Address: Dumbalk  Victoria  3956

Landline Phone: 03 5116 9434


Mobile Phone: 0400 053 266
Email Address: [email protected]

Type of Practice: Private Consultant  
Doctor’s Referral Required: No

Days of Operation: Monday, Wednesday
Operating Hours:

Wheelchair-Accessible Workplace: Yes

Consultation Options: Face-to-Face

Home Visits: Yes
After-Hours Service: No

Fees: Private Billing, Private Health Insurance

Any Additional Practice Information: I teach in Dumbalk, Inverloch, Mirboo North and Morwell

Late Effects of Polio Experience/Training:
Participated in a Polio Health and Wellness Retreat

Any Additional Experience Details:

Specific and/or Other Areas of Interest/Expertise:
Neurological Conditions, Neuromuscular Conditions, Muscular/Skeletal Conditions, Chronic Health Conditions, Respiratory Health, Disability

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