Since the 1980s there has been considerable research into the causes and effects of, and diagnosis, treatment and therapies for, the late effects of polio and post-polio syndrome. Sadly, in Australia, there has been little interest or research in this area.

The post-polio research database on this website seeks to bring relevant, credible, peer-reviewed post-polio research papers to inform health professionals working with post-polio patients. In this endeavour, Polio Australia is grateful to Post-Polio Health International, Dr Mary Westbrook, Dr Farid Khan and Paul Cavendish, for their assistance in developing the database.

There are currently 448 research papers recorded in the database. For ease of locating papers of interest, they may be recorded in more than one relevant category. Note that research papers are being added to the database on an ongoing basis so the absence of any particular paper on this website as of its last update is not a reflection on the value of that paper.


Efficacy of Clinical Trials
Efficacy of Clinical Trials
Where applicable, the efficacy of post-polio research in this database is rated as effective, or more research required, or not effective. (265 papers)

Activity Levels
Activity Levels
A selection of studies which focus on functional abilities and health related quality of life issues for polio survivors. (12 papers)

Acute Flaccid Paralysis
These papers discuss polio and other forms of acute flaccid paralysis, which is characterized by rapid onset of weakness of lower motor neurones. (5 papers)

These studies explore the impact of ageing with LEoP and the prevalence and associations of secondary health conditions related to age. (9 papers)

Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology
Studies discussing the impact of assistive technology on symptom management, mobility, and quality of life. (8 papers)
Complementary Therapies
Complementary Therapies
These papers propose that polio survivors should have access to the treatments that they perceive as important. (10 papers)
Studies looking at prevalence, correlation to gender and age, and the inconvenience experienced by polio survivors. (3 papers)
Diagnosis and Management
Diagnosis and Management
These studies discuss the diagnoses of new LEoP problems, implications for treatment, and areas for future research. (61 papers)
Trials and studies on pharmacological therapy and intervention for post-polio symptoms. (18 papers)
Studies evaluating effects of, and contraindications for, exercise in individuals with the LEoP, clinical assessment, and exercise prescription. (30 papers)
Falls and Bone Density
Studies reviewing risk factors, occurrence, and consequences of falls amongst the post-polio population. (20 papers)
Studies measuring fatigue in the post-polio population and suggestions for management strategies. (22 papers)
Immune Response
Immune Response
Studies evaluating autoimmune processes following the initial polio infection. (4 papers)
Studies exploring the hypothesis of intrathecal chronic inflammation to explain the denervation observed in PPS. (5 papers)
Late Effects of Polio (LEoP)
The LEoP studies incorporate Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS) and Post-Polio Sequalae and relate to aetiology and neuromuscular function. (50 papers)
Muscle Strength
Muscle Strength
These studies explore testing for muscle strength and the role of strengthening exercises for polio survivors. (19 papers)
Muscular Atrophy
Muscular Atrophy
Studies that identify potential risk factors for the development of progressive post-polio muscular atrophy. (5 papers)
Studies examining and evaluating gait symmetry in post-polio patients and the efficacy of various orthoses. (23 papers)
Studies that analyse pain, both nociceptive and neuropathic, and make recommendations for multidisciplinary approaches to pain management. (12 papers)
Polio Vaccine
Polio Immunisation
These studies discuss the types, efficacy, and safety of polio vaccines. (16 papers)
Post-Polio Motor Unit
Post-Polio Motor Unit
Studies looking at distal degeneration of post-polio motor units with resultant irreversible muscle fibre denervation. (37 papers)
Studies that examine prevalence of psychological distress and depression, and the associations among measures of psychosocial factors, pain, and adjustment. (21 papers)
Quality of Life
These studies explore topics including the impact of pain, fatigue, assistive technology, and hope on the Quality of Life (QOL) of polio patients. (34 papers)
Renal Complications
These papers caution that polio survivors may have severe hyperkalemia muscle weakness and could have renal failure even with a normal creatinine level. (1 paper)
Respiratory Management
Respiratory Management
Studies reviewing the diagnosis of sleep-disordered breathing in neuromuscular diseases, and optimising non-invasive ventilation settings. (21 papers)
Restless Legs Syndrome
Restless Legs Syndrome
These studies investigate the prevalence of restless legs syndrome (RLS), fatigue and daytime sleepiness in polio survivors. (5 papers)
Sleep Analysis
Speech Pathology
These papers identify risk factors for the development of progressive Dysphagia and Dysphonia symptoms within up to 25% of the post-polio population. (6 papers)
Surgery and Anaesthesia
Polio survivors may present potential problems for the anaesthetist but careful assessment and planning should minimise the risk of perioperative complications. (14 papers)
Vocational Implications
Vocational Implications
These papers review the role of rehabilitation physicians and counsellors in assisting post-polio clients with work-oriented interventions. (8 papers)
Women's Health
Women's Health
These papers cover issues such as pregnancy, childbirth and menopause in post-polio women. (9 papers)